Master Stock Investing

Hi, I'm Md Jamil. Welcome to my blog – where we master the art of technical analysis. This blog is my trading journal where I document my observations. Join me in my investment Journey.

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  • Past Discussion – Link Deep Ind was first featured on my blog at 173 when it successfully broke through a triangle pattern. Since then, it has consistently demonstrated strength, offering multiple opportunities to pyramid. To date, the total profit stands at approximately 160%. Read more

  • This is another well-formed structure where you can consider entering with a stop loss at 750. The quality of the base looks solid. While this isn’t a Shariah-compliant stock, there’s still plenty to learn from analyzing its pattern. Read more

  • Previous Blog Article: linkWabag is presenting a strong opportunity for pyramiding. Although I don’t currently have a position in Wabag, I’m still tracking it closely to enhance my trading skills. Read more

  • DPABHUSHAN – Pyramided

    Previous Blog Article: LinkAfter a shakeout at the 1580 level, the stock quickly reclaimed the 20 EMA and broke through a small consolidation at 1740. This prompted me to pyramid my position at this level. Read more